Setting up a National Federation


The requirements for setting up an National Federation varies by country, depending on governmental regulations. In general, the federation needs to be:

  • A not for profit organization
  • Registered with the Ministry for Sport (or equivalent agency)
  • Not pursue any objectives for its own gains
  • Recognized by the international federation (in this case, the WSM)
  • Recognized by your National Olympic Committee (NOC)
  • Structured in line with the WSM’s constitution.

National Federation

This generally includes having:

  • Executive board
  • Relevant committees
  • Bylaws
  • Anti-doping policies
  • Code of ethics

Basic Setup Steps

Setting up a national federation can be simple to start, but there are additional requirements to be officially recognized. Official recognition can take a year or more depending on your country’s regulations and how organized you are.

Check to see if an existing association or federation exists in your country.
Decide on a name, which generally describes the sport and that the organization is a federation, for example “Azerbaijan Strongman Federation.”
Create a website and social media platforms containing basic information.
File as a nonprofit organization with your federation name. This could be a sports association, club or other entity depending on the requirements of your government.
Put your executive board and committee chairmen in place.
Build the governance documents: bylaws, rules, etc. Make sure they meet the requirements of your NOC, the WSM, and your national government.
Apply for national recognition from your government (ministry of sport).
Apply for recognition from your NOC.
The International Union World Strongman (WSM) will recognize your organization contingent on meeting all necessary requirements.

Rights of nf`S

National Federations (NFs) recognized by WSM have the following rights: 

To submit Resolutions for inclusion in the agenda of the Executive Committee (ExCo).
To propose candidates for the ExCo and Committees of WSM.
To enter their athletes in any official competition of iWSM, respecting the WSM rules.
To take part in and benefit from WSM’s assistance, development and educational programs organized directly or through the NFs; and
To exercise all other rights arising from the WSM Rules, and other rules decisions of WSM.

obligations OF NF`S

National Federations recognized by WSM have the following obligations:

Member NFs must maintain full control and governance of Strongman sport in their country.
The regulations of the WSM shall be incorporated in the corresponding regulations of the NF.
NFs must manage their internal affairs with total independence and ensure that no third party interferes in their operations. They must remain autonomous and resist all political, religious and financial pressure that may infringe their commitment to abide by the Rules of the WSM. Any external form of interference or attempt to interfere must be reported to the WSM.
The rules and regulations of the federations shall not run counter to the rules and regulations of the WSM. In case of divergence, only the rules and regulations of the WSM shall apply. The rules and the regulations of the federations must contain an express clause that in case of divergence with the rules and regulations of the WSM, only the latter shall apply.
Remain in good standing (including in good financial standing).
To comply with all applicable WSM rules and decisions of the ExCo.
To insert in their Rules such provisions as may be required by the WSM regulations or other WSM rules.
Member National Federations to pay the annual fee.
To include the World Strongman Logo and the words “Member of World Strongman” in their letterhead.
All Members shall be required to submit an annual report within the first three months of each year, which shall include the following information:
– The mail address, email address, telephone, and fax, etc.
– A list of the Officers of the Federation.
– Annual statistics about active membership of the Member (clubs, athletes, coaches, officials, etc.)
– Major Championships and events to be held during the coming year, including date and location.
– A copy of the most recent financial statements.
Each NF shall incorporate in its Constitution a provision to the effect that all disputes between that NF and an athlete and WSM shall be submitted to arbitration before the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) for final and definitive resolution.

the process

National Federation/club sent the filled Affiliation Request Form to WSM 

Once you complete and return the National Federation Affiliation Request Form, you will be notified by e-mail if your request has been accepted and any potential changes you need to make before acceptance can occur. You will then be added to the WSM database. Your website and additional information will be added as it becomes available. Please let us know if you have any questions. Our mission is to help you and to promote the Strongman sport throughout the world.