Strong Foundation

Assembly Meeting

- the ultimate authority

Executive Committee

Vladimir Burdun (UAE) - President
Vladislavs Redjkins (Latvia) – General Secretary
Alexey Kylasov (Russia) – Vice President
Luciano Afonso Sarti (Brazil) – Vice President
Elmamoun Mohamed (Morocco) – Vice President
Bakhtiyar Guliyev (Azerbaijan) – Vice President
Maris Sveiduks (Latvia) – Head of Development Committee
Mark Soo (China) – Head of Technical Committee
Cesar Omar Carrizo (Argentina) – head of Judge Committee
Vadims Punegovs (Latvia) – member


Vladimir Burdun (UAE)


– professional staff implementing projects and programs


World Strength Council

National Federations Representatives
International Organisations Representatives

Continental Departments

African Department
- head - Mohamed Elmomoun (Marocco)
- secretary - Haitham Mahgoub (Egypt)
American Department
- head - Luciano Afonso Sarti (Brazil)
- secretary - Cesar Omar Carizzo (Argentina)
Arabic Department
- head – Faisal Ahmed Obaid Alzaabi (UAE)
- secretary - Nizar Shuman (Lebanon)
Asian Department
- head - Kartik Yadav (India)
- secretary - Dinesh Jaysinghe (Sri Lanka)
European Department
- head – Bakhtiyar Quliyev (Azerbaijan),
- secretary – Juan José Villajos Luque (Spain).


Antidoping Commission

The Antidoping Commission is responsible for establishing conditions at all World Strongman sanctioned events which ensure the health and safety of all participants. The Committee is also responsible for providing opinions on and suggesting revisions to disciplines standards or sanctioned competition programming they feel may be causing an undue risk to the community. The Committee also controls all anti-doping policies and activities of the WSM and ensures that the WSM complies with the World Anti-Doping Code and any IOC or WSM anti-doping rules.

Athletes Commission

– head
Athlete from Europe
Athlete from Africa
Athlete from America

Ethic Commission

Alexey Kylisov - head

Finance Commission

This committee is responsible for creating rules and standards which will allow for the development of fair and unbiased competition for adaptive athletes. The Committee also represents the interests of adaptive athletes and is working towards achieving compliance with Paralympic standards.

Legal Commission

The Technical Committee is responsible for overseeing the review, editing, interpretation of, and compliance with Strongman Rules Standards. It develops and maintains the pathway to becoming an WSM Referees and is also responsible for the education and training of WSM Referees.

Rules & Refereeing Commission

The Rules & Refereeing Commission within the World Strongman Federation is responsible for developing, updating, and interpreting the competition rules to ensure fairness, safety, and equal conditions for all participants in strongman sports. This commission oversees the training and certification of referees, ensuring a high level of professionalism and objectivity in officiating. The commission is continuously working on improving the refereeing system, including the adoption of new technologies for more accurate and fair performance evaluations of athletes. It also handles the review of appeals and complaints related to rule violations or contentious moments during competitions.


Gender Equality Committee

- Disciplinary Panel
- Appeals Panel
- Ethics Panel

Development Commitee

Disability Sports Committee

This committee is responsible for creating rules and standards which will allow for the development of fair and unbiased competition for adaptive athletes. The Committee also represents the interests of adaptive athletes and is working towards achieving compliance with Paralympic standards.

Education Commitee

Andreas Kolettis (Greece) – head of Education Commitee

Ethnosport Committee

Alexey Kylasov - head
Love Singh (India)
- Stick pulling panel
Arazm Honarjoo (Iran) – head

Marketing Committee

Students Sports Committee

Vasily Enin (Belarus) - head

Technical & Coaching Committee

The Technical Committee is responsible for overseeing the review, editing, interpretation of, and compliance with Strongman Rules Standards. It develops and maintains the pathway to becoming an WSM Referees and is also responsible for the education and training of WSM Referees.
- referees panel:
Cesar Omar Carrizo (Argentina) -head
Bakhtiyar Quliyev(Azerbaijan) – head
- educational panel:
Andreas Kolettis (Greece) – head
Vadims Punegovs (Latvia)
Fabio Campeggio (Italy)
Karsten Jensen (Canada)
Mothilal Jayathilake (Sri Lanka) - - coaching/StrongFit panel

WSM Statute (Constitution)

WSM Statute

The World Strongman organization operates under a comprehensive constitution that outlines its mission, governance structure, and operational guidelines to promote and regulate the sport of strongman globally.