This is exercise for the time. The vehicle (car, wheelbarrow, etc.) should be attached the handle behind so that when lifting the handle, the rear wheels are taken away from the earth. At a signal of the judge the athlete lifts the handles and vehicle and pushes it to the finish. If the weight is lowered to the ground, it can be lifted and pushed on to finish in the same place within a limit of time. Rear wheels must be on the brakes that they are not rolled in contact with the surface. Movement forward by rear wheels is prohibited. Places will be determined by the time of passing the distance, then places are determined by length of distance covered within a set time limit. Time is fixed at the finish, when the front part of the vehicle will cross the line, and the passed distance is measured from the starting line to a point on the earth, which is in line with the front part of the vehicle.
Straps are not allowed.
“Super-suit” is allowed.
Distance – up to 25 m.
Time limit – 90 seconds.