Good news from Greece Strongman and Ethnosport. On 25th and 26th of September Circus Classic 2021 hold of in Athens, Greece. Circus Strongman Experience founded by John Boursinos and Paraskevi Stamatopoulou in association with youth’s center Connect Your City (IASIS). The event was prepared under the auspices of Elliniko Somateio Dynamikou Triathhlou (WSF Greece) – member of World Strongman Federation and World Ethnosport and represented by mr Andreas Kolettis (WSF Head EduCommitee and WSF International Referee), who was also Head Judge at the event.

In competition 36 athletes participated in total in different weight categories (Women U65, Men U80, Men U100, Men100+). Circus Classic lasted 2 days and every weight category was competing both days. The first day consisted of a Carry Medley (sandbag to farmer’s to yoke to arm over arm), Hercule’s Hold, Squat for Reps (the athletes had 1 minute to achieve as many reps as they could). The second day they competed in Axle Deadlift, Overhead Medley (Log Press, Heavier Log Press, Axle Overhead Press, Giant Dumbell for Reps) and finally Atlas Stones.
Volunteering Rescue Team ‘Epilektoi Omada Markopoulou-Kouvara’ was covering the event, however everything went smoothly and no health safety incidents occurred.

Also, the Elliniko Somateio Dynamikou Triathlou (WSF Greece) in collaboration with the Circus Strongman Experience organized for the first time in Greece the WSF Strongman Referee Seminar – National Level 2021, which was under the World Strongmen Federation. The seminar was organized free for the training-certification of judges who participated voluntarily in CIRCUS CLASSIC 2021 – Strongman Event.

That kind of initiatives import great things for the future of Strongman in Greece!