WSF World Strongman Championship U110 kg held in town Khust (Carpathian Ruthenia, Ukraine) on 24 of August. More than 2 thousand spectators were watched strongman competition. 31 athletes from 9 countries participated in the World championship.

Guests of honour & judges: President of FSU is 2-time WSF World Champion u110kg Serhiy Konyushok (Ukraine) and honorary president – 2004 World Strongest Man and 2007 IFSA World champion Vasyl Virastyuk (Ukraine). Magnus ver Magnessen (Iceland) 4-time World Strongest Man. David Shamey (Israel) won the WSF World Championship under 110kg in a very convincing style. The question about world crown was open until the final event! Oleksandr Kochergin (Ukraine) last year champion was second!

Final results:
- David Shamey (Israel) …………………..33.5
- Oleksandr Kochergin (Ukraine) ………32
- P. Przybyla (Poland)……………………..….31
- G. Laniewski (Poland)…………………….24.5
- A. Khodakaram (Iran)……………………..22
- K. Mykhailo (Ukraine)…………………….20.5
- P. Gaisha (Ukraine)…………………….…..17.5
- M. Sendwicki (Poland)…………………….17
- M. Czajkowski (Poland)……………………11
- E. Oganisjan (Ukraine)…………………….11

Full results:

Qualification: time limit 60 seconds.

Tyre flip 360kg,
6 overturns
The tire stands on the starting position vertically. At the judge signal the Athlete pushes the tire forward, after the tire takes a horizontal position on the floor, the counting of the flipping is conducted. Athletes who could not turn over the tire the proper number times in the allotted time limit, the result is the number of overturns.

Log-lift 120 кг
The athlete, after the starting signal of the judge, raises the log-lift from the floor, fixing over his head (1 sec). Elbows and knees should be straight, feet are in one line. It is forbidden to hold the log-lift on the head, in time of lifting from the chest and the removing both hands from the projectile during the execution. After the judge order, the athlete puts back the gear to its original position.

Farmer’s walk 130kg 40m (20m+20m)
The athlete takes suitcases in both hands and by the judge’s signal starts moving forward. At the end of the exercise the athlete should carry out the suitcases over the finish line completely.

Final: time limit 90 sec

Conan’s Carousel 350kg
The athlete approaches to the carousel, takes the pipe from below into the bent hands and by the signal of the judge lifts the carousel from the ground, starts to move the carousel forward in a circle. The goal of the athlete is to move as far as possible. The result is fixed at the first putting down of the equipment on the floor.

Relay: 2 bags
100kg 10m
+ Slade pool 200kg 20m
Accessories are behind the starting line. At the signal of the judge, the athlete takes the bag and overcomes the distance of 20m, completely bringing the bag over the finish line, returns to the start and carries one more bag, returns to the starting line and accomplish the thrust of the sleigh (back movement). The winner is the athlete who will complete the task as fast as possible.

75kg + Axel 120kg + Log-lift 130kg + Dumble 85kg + Axel130kg +
Log-lift 140kg
The athlete, after the judge’s start signal, raises equipment from the floor, fixing over his head (1 sec). Elbows and knees should be straight, feet in one line. After the judge’s order, the athlete returns the equipment to the starting position.

Arm over arm
8,5 tons 20m
The atleet sits in an emphasis, takes on a rope and, from the sitting position, begins to pull the cargo from start to finish position. The winner is the athlete who will overcome the distance at the shortest time. If the athlete does not fit into the time limit set, the distance which the athlete pulled the cargo is measured; in this case the advantage is given to the athlete who passed a greater distance.